Besan Laddoo !! When it comes to traditional Indian sweets, Besan Laddoo stands out as a timeless classic. This mouthwatering treat, with its irresistible aroma and melt-in-the-mouth texture, has been a favorite during festive seasons and special occasions.

In this article, we’ll take you on a culinary journey, exploring the art of crafting the perfect Besan Laddoo.These laddoos are not only delicious but also carry cultural significance, making them a cherished treat in many Indian households

Besan Laddoos are a cherished Indian sweet, embodying the essence of celebration and tradition. Crafted from roasted besan (gram flour), the laddoos come to life with the rich infusion of ghee, the subtle sweetness of powdered sugar, and the aromatic allure of cardamom.

This delightful treat is further elevated with the addition of chopped nuts, contributing a satisfying crunch. With their golden hue and delectable melt-in-the-mouth texture, Besan Laddoos have become synonymous with festivities, symbolizing the joy and warmth shared during special occasions in Indian households.


  • 2 cups besan (gram flour)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup ghee (clarified butter)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios)


  1. Roasting the Besan:
    • Heat ghee in a heavy-bottomed pan on low to medium heat.
    • Add besan to the melted ghee and roast it continuously on low flame.
    • Keep stirring to avoid lumps and ensure even roasting.
    • Roast until the besan turns golden brown, and you can smell a nutty aroma. This will take about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cooling:
    • Remove the pan from heat and let the roasted besan cool down to room temperature.
    • It’s crucial to cool it completely before adding sugar; otherwise, the sugar will melt.
  3. Adding Sugar and Cardamom:
    • Once the besan is at room temperature, add powdered sugar and cardamom powder.
    • Mix everything well. You can use a sieve to ensure that there are no lumps in the sugar.
  4. Shaping Laddoos:
    • Add chopped nuts to the mixture and mix well.
    • Take a small portion of the mixture and shape it into a round ball (laddoo). Do this with the entire mixture.
  5. Optional Step – Garnishing:
    • You can garnish the laddoos with additional chopped nuts, gently pressing them into the laddoos for decoration.
  6. Let Them Set:
    • Allow the laddoos to set for a few hours. They will firm up as they cool.

Your Besan Laddoos are now ready to be enjoyed!

Here are some tips to ensure the success of your Besan Laddoos:

  1. Roasting Besan: Take your time while roasting besan in ghee. Roast it on low to medium heat, stirring continuously to prevent uneven browning. The besan should turn a golden brown color, and a nutty aroma should be noticeable. Patience during this step enhances the flavor.
  2. Cooling Stage: Allow the roasted besan to cool completely before adding sugar. Adding sugar to hot besan can result in a sticky mixture, making it challenging to shape the laddoos.
  3. Sugar Consistency: Use finely powdered sugar to ensure a smooth texture in the laddoos. If the sugar has lumps, consider sifting it before adding it to the besan.
  4. Cardamom Flavor: Adjust the quantity of cardamom powder according to your taste preference. The subtle fragrance of cardamom adds a delightful touch to the laddoos.
  5. Chopped Nuts: Feel free to customize the nut mix according to your liking. Almonds, cashews, and pistachios work well, providing both flavor and texture.
  6. Garnishing: While garnishing with additional nuts is optional, it adds visual appeal. Gently press the nuts into the laddoos for a decorative finish.
  7. Shaping Laddoos: When shaping the laddoos, apply a bit of ghee to your palms. This prevents the mixture from sticking and helps in forming smooth, round laddoos.
  8. Setting Time: Allow the laddoos to set for a few hours before storing them in an airtight container. This helps them firm up and enhances their shelf life.
  9. Storage: Store Besan Laddoos in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. Adding a piece of parchment paper between layers can prevent sticking.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Besan Laddoos:

Q: Can I use store-bought besan for making Besan Laddoos? A: Yes, you can use store-bought besan. However, make sure it is fresh and has not been stored for too long to ensure the best flavor in your laddoos.

Q: How do I prevent the besan from forming lumps while roasting? A: Constant stirring is key. Keep stirring the besan in ghee on low to medium heat to ensure even roasting and to prevent the formation of lumps. If you notice lumps, you can break them down with the back of a spoon.

Q: Can I reduce the amount of ghee for a healthier version? A: While ghee adds richness and flavor, you can reduce the quantity if you prefer a lighter version. However, keep in mind that ghee plays a crucial role in the texture and binding of the laddoos.

Q: How long can I store Besan Laddoos, and what’s the best way to store them? A: Besan Laddoos have a good shelf life. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. They can stay fresh for up to a week, and refrigerating them can extend their shelf life.

Q: Can I make Besan Laddoos without nuts? A: Absolutely, you can omit nuts if you have allergies or simply prefer a smoother texture. The laddoos will still be delicious with the combination of besan, ghee, sugar, and cardamom.

Q: What if my laddoo mixture is too dry or crumbly? A: If the mixture is too dry, you can add a little more melted ghee to achieve the right consistency. Adding ghee gradually while mixing will help you control the texture.

Q: Can I make Besan Laddoos ahead of time? A: Yes, you can make Besan Laddoos a day or two in advance. The flavors often enhance after a day of setting. Just store them in an airtight container and keep them in a cool place.

Q: Can I use jaggery instead of sugar for a healthier option? A: Yes, you can substitute jaggery for sugar if you prefer a healthier alternative. Adjust the quantity according to your taste preference, as jaggery is usually less sweet than sugar.